Floating Ideas Lecture — January 30th, 2019 at 7:00pm (Doors open 6:30)
The Rise and Fall of Coralline Algae: Ecological and Evolutionary Transitions Between Crusts and Segmented Morphologies by Dr. Patrick Martone
Calcified “coralline” algae play important roles in the ecology of marine communities worldwide: competing for space, creating habitat, and even chemically attracting animals. Unfortunately, coralline species can be difficult – or even impossible – to differentiate by eye, severely limiting our understanding of their biodiversity, ecology, and evolution. Recent work by Dr. Patrick Martone has revealed surprising patterns in the evolution of different physical form of these algae, as well as the role coralline crust communities play in coastal ecosystems.
Patrick Martone is an Associate Professor in the Botany Department at the University of British Columbia. Patrick is a marine phycologist, passionate about many aspects of seaweed biology. Awestruck by waves crashing on shore, he has explored the biomechanical and physiological adaptations that permit seaweeds to survive in the intertidal zone. His work continues to improve our understanding of seaweed biodiversity, ecology, and evolution.
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