Animal Welfare Statement

We take the care and welfare of our animal ambassadors seriously. We are dedicated to upholding the highest animal welfare standards that encompass the ethical, scientific and environmental responsibilities of the animals in our care and their wild counterparts.

Animal welfare is defined as an animal’s collective physical, mental and emotional state over a period of time, and is measured on a continuum from good to poor.

Animal welfare is the responsibility of humans, and covers all aspects of the animal’s wellbeing. This includes their housing, nutrition, water quality, humane handling, disease prevention and management. Careful consideration is made when placing animals in habitats, sourcing suitable diets and when treating disease. Viewing animal welfare through a holistic lens with the understanding that the habitats within the Centre are an extension of the Salish Sea Bioregion.

The Five Freedoms

We subscribe to the Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare which guides us in our interactions and care of the species that reside in the Aquarium. These are as follows;

1. Freedom from hunger

2. Freedom from pain, injury and disease

3. Freedom from distress

4. Freedom from discomfort

5. Freedom to express behaviors that promote wellbeing

Sourcing animals

When acquiring animals, we take every precaution to reduce our impact on wild populations. The acquisition of animals is prioritized as follows:

1. Captive bred

2. Rehoming surplus animals from credible institutions

3. By-catch from commercial and recreational fisheries

4. Collected from the ocean/wild caught

The animal care team are responsible for upholding the standards of animal welfare. They include a highly experienced team of Marine Biologists, a Registered Veterinary Technician, and a designated Veterinarian. All team members have additional training in Aquatic Animal Welfare and participate in continuing education to stay up-to-date on the evolving field of aquatic animal medicine and welfare.

Questions and concerns

If you have questions or concerns about a specific animal, habitat or how our Centre cares for the animals, please email the Manager, Animal Care, Amanda LeSergent, aquarist3 at