Summer Camps
Summer Camp Registration is open!
Did You Know — Family level Membership holders receive 10% off camp fees become a member today!
““My daughter attended this camp for the first time this year and absolutely loved everything about it. She will be back again next year for sure, AND with her two sisters as well!””
Salish Sea School Camps
For kids in Grade 1 (completed) to 5 (as of June 2025)
Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 3:30pm
Salish Sea School is a week-long day camp that combines educational experiences in the Centre with “in the field” activities on Sidney area beaches and within Gulf Islands National Park Reserve. Camp days are also filled with games, art and fun!
This is a great introduction to a variety of ocean habitats — sandy beaches, rocky beaches, open ocean and docks and pilings. During these adventures, campers will seek out animals large and small. Camp ratio is 10 campers to 2 leaders.
Cost: $430.00 +GST (10% off with Family Membership)
IMPORTANT NOTES: 1) Each week of Salish Sea School is based upon the same activities, games and crafts, and adventures to the same beaches and islands.
2) Camp dates are chosen to take advantage of the lowest tides available.
To be placed on a waitlist for sold out camps, email
with name, camper name, camp selection and phone number.
Camp 1: July 7 - 11 SOLD OUT
Camp 2: July 14 - 18 SOLD OUT
Camp 3: July 21 - 25 SOLD OUT
Camp 4: August 18 - 22 SOLD OUT
Camp 5: August 25 - 29
”This camp offered unique experiences that are not available anywhere else in our area.”
”My daughter had an absolute blast and this is the best summer camp she’s ever done. From the boat trips to different islands, exploring the beach, finding sea creatures and dissecting a squid. She learned so much about the Salish Sea and it was an invaluable experience. We are hoping to do the camp again next year.”
"My daughter attended this camp for the first time this year and absolutely loved everything about it. She will be back again next year for sure, AND with her two sisters as well!"
Barnacle Buddies Camps
For kids in preschool/Kindergarten (minimum age 4)
Two Half-Day camps
Barnacle Buddies is for budding biologists looking to explore the diversity of ocean animals big and small through hands on learning. Each themed camp combines educational experiences inside and outside of the aquarium with educational games, activities, crafts and more! Campers will explore local beaches (rain or shine).
Camp ratio is 12 campers to 2 leaders.
Cost: $75.00 +GST (10% off with Family Membership)
To be placed on a waitlist for sold out camps, email
with name, camper name, camp selection and phone number.
Campers will learn about two of the most popular marine animals — crabs & octopus!
Campers will dive into the world of fish, sharks, dolphins and whales.
Campers will investigate a wide variety of species from the tiniest plankton to the largest Salish Sea marine mammals.
Campers will discover spineless animals of land (pollinators) and sea (intertidal marine life).
Camp 1: July 2 and 4, 9:30 - 12:00 — Scales and Tales SOLD OUT
Camp 2: July 2 and 4, 1:00 - 3:30 — Diversity Detectives
Camp 3: August 5 and 7, 9:30 - 12:00 — Crabtastic Octopus
Camp 4: August 5 and 7, 1:00 - 3:30 — Diversity Detectives
Camp 5: August 6 and 8, 9:30 - 12:00 — Invertebrate Investigators
Camp 6: August 6 and 8, 1:00 - 3:30 — Scales and Tales
“This camp. It is definitely one of the more unique ones out there. We look forward to returning again next year.”
Ocean Advocates Camps
*Not offered in 2025
For kids in Grade 6–7
Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 3:30pm
Ocean Advocates is a week-long day camp for kids who have completed Grades 6 or 7. This camp combines some of the campers’ favourite Salish Sea School experiences with new and exciting marine science activities—intertidal transects and surveys, experiments, dissection and a plankton tow. Excursions include a whale-watching adventure and a trip to the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve. Campers will finish this camp with a broader knowledge of our local ecosystem and a drive to conserve it. Locally made laminated field guide included (Value $11.00).
Cost: TBD