• Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea (map)
  • 9811 Seaport Place
  • Sidney, BC, V8L 4X3
  • Canada

Weekly talks and tours.

Seniors Sessions is a weekly series that includes talks, tours, and one-on-one interaction with our Oceaneers.  On Thursdays from 2:30 – 3:30pm, we turn down ambiance noise so our Oceaneers are easier to hear, offer tea and cookies, and have additional seating options. Bring a friend or family member and learn about a new topic every week!

Today's topic:  The Salish Sea: A Historical Retrospective with Guest Cliff Cunningham


  • Designed with seniors in mind, but all adults are welcome!
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • No registration is required
  • Standard admission rates apply
  • Group rates available; Call for more information