Who doesn’t love octopus and squid? They’re amazing. They’re fascinating. They’re magical.
Spend this non-instructional day celebrating all things cephalopod. New games and activities plus a few favourites, all focused on one of our most loved residents — the giant Pacific octopus (and their squid cousins). All day. Drop-in, no registration required. Free with admission or membership.
Menu of events:
10:00 Cephalopod Surprise!
10:30 Storytime Adventure
11:00-12:00 Design an Octopus Hidey-home
11:30 Octopus Creature Feature
12:00 Octopus Hide and Seek
12:45 Squid Dissection
1:00-2:00 Create a Squid-y Hat
1:30 Tricky Trivia
2:15-3:30 Create a Disappearing Octopus!
2:30 Squid vs. Octopus
3:00 Octopus Creature Feature
3:30 Octopus Survivor!
New Cephalopod Celebration Scavenger Hunt, drop-in activities, videos, and a book nook! And perhaps a special appearance!